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C-MAP CM933.873 for MaxSea 12.6 航海導航軟體 英文破解版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元)





C-MAP CM933.873 for MaxSea 12.6 航海導航軟體 英文破解版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:C-MAP CM933.873 for MaxSea 12.6 航海導航軟體 英文破解版(DVD9一片裝 此片售價200元) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7/XP/Vista 軟體類型:航海導航軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2018-09-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$200元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. The file LicStore.dll?from "C:\Program files\Morintech\dKart Navigator 2001\CMRoot\System" should be replaced by cracked "LicStore.dll" from the folder "Crack". 2. mount or extract "CM93 v3 (S57) WF857.iso" and copy (all files) to any folder on your PC where you like (for example C:\CM93ed3-WF857) 3. Run C:\Program files\Morintech\dKart Navigator 2001\CMRoot\System\GDBAdmin.exe, show the path to CM93ed3 chart Database location (for example C:\CM93ed3-WF857), Register Database and Set it default. 4. Run C:\Program files\Morintech\dKart Navigator 2001\CMRoot\System\LicenseAdm.exe. This will start to use your new "LicStore.dll". 5. Choose Zone 0 using ?123456789abcdef?as the key. 6. If you get a message that your license is expired or that will expire soon, try to change this key randomly, between the codes bellow, until you get it. abcdef1234567890 1abcdef234567890 12abcdef34567890 123abcdef4567890 1234abcdef567890 12345abcdef67890 123456abcdef7890 1234567abcdef890 12345678abcdef90 123456789abcdef0 1234567890abcdef 01abc23456798dfe ab12cd34ef567890 fff12345dddeeeee 0123456789abcdfe 1234567890abcdfe 0123456789abcdef 0abcdef123456789 1111111111aaaaaa 5665478578cdabbf 2222222222cccccc 3333444559eeeeeb 9648761204acbdfc 11aaabbccddeffff 1234567890abcd00 dddeeeeefff12345 abcdfe1234567890 ccddeffff11aaabb aaaaaa11aaabbccd 890abcd001234567 001234567890abcd 1234567aaaaaa11d aaaabbbbccccdddd abcdabcdabcdabcd 2222222222222222 ffffffffffffffff 9999999999999999 01abc23456798dfe ab12cd34ef567890 4444444444444444 1234567890bacdef 1234567890abcdef 0123abcdef456789 abcdabcdfefedabc 0ca456789120afed 01abcd23456798fe 01abcde23456798d 01abcdef23456798 012abc3456798dfe 0123abc456798dfe 01234abc56798dfe 012345abc6798dfe 0123456abc798dfe You can use whatever key combination you want, as long as it is made of 0-9 and/or a-f. Enjoy! 軟體簡介:   C-MAP Professional+是由Jeppesen Marine製作的具有創新和動態的全球向量圖 資料庫,主要來源於紙質圖表。不斷擴大覆蓋面,不斷增加新種類的補充資料。 在過去的20年裏,全世界有超過100萬的航海家把他們的信任放在了電子地圖上—— 這使得他們在水上的時間更安全、更輕鬆、更愉快。 Jeppesen Marine has unveiled updated (CM93/3.861) C-MAP Professional+ for MaxSea 12.6. The latest evolution in C-MAP charting technology from Jeppesen Marine is an advanced electronic charting standard designed for high performance navigation systems. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
