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DS SIMULIA Suite 2017 Win Linux 達索公示定位與真實仿真軟體 英文破解版(DVD9兩片裝 此片售價400元)





DS SIMULIA Suite 2017 Win Linux 達索公示定位與真實仿真軟體 英文破解版(DVD9兩片裝 此片售價400元) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:DS SIMULIA Suite 2017 Win Linux 達索公示定位與真實仿真軟體 英文破解版(DVD9兩片裝 此片售價400元) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:2片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:For Windows 7even / 8.x / 10 | SuSE Linux Enterprise 11, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 and above, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 軟體類型:達索公示定位與真實仿真軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2017-02-25 官方網站:http://www.3ds.com 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$400元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. CSH and KSH interpreters (/usr/bin/ksh93 and /usr/bin/csh) 2. LSB-RELEASE A. SSQ SIMULIA FlexLM server setup 1. Remove old SSQ SIMULIA FlexLM servers if installed 2. Login root and create /opt/DassaultSystemes/ if not already present 3. Unpack DS.SIMULIA.FLEXLM.LICENSE.SERVER.LINUX64-SSQ.tar.gz to /opt/DassaultSystemes/ 4. Start Abaqus License Server (if not started already) /opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/License/lmgrd -c /opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/License/ABAQUSLM_SSQ.lic or restart killall -9 ABAQUSLM B. Install SIMULIA Suite (Documentation + Simulation Services + ABAQUS/CAE + Tosca + Isight) 1. Start SIMULIA Simplified Installer 2017: 1.1 Login root 1.2 Mount the ISO image 1.3 Start installer: cd /1/ export DSYAuthOS_`lsb_release -si`=1 && export DSY_Force_OS=linux_a64 && ksh ./StartGUI.sh 1.4 Select Components: All (by default). DO NOT INSTAL FLEXNET LICENSE SERVER! 2. Install Documentation 2.1 Select directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA2017doc/" 2.2 Continue Next until step is complete 3. Install Simulation Services and CAA API 3.1 Select installation directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SimulationServices/V6R2017x" 3.2 Select components (by default, all components are selected) 3.3 Continue Next until step is complete 4. Install ABAQUS/CAE 4.1 Select installation directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/CAE/2017" 4.2 Select Simulation Services directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SimulationServices/V6R2017x" 4.3 Select commands directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Commands/" 4.4 Select ABAQUS/CAE External plugins directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/CAE/plugins/2017" 4.5 Select "SIMULIA FlexNET Licensing" and "27011@localhost" as License Server 1 4.6 Select "enter a file path to documentation directory" and point to directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA2017doc/" 4.7 Continue Next until step is complete 5. Install Tosca 5.1 Select installation directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Tosca/2017" 5.2 Select components (by default, all components are selected) 5.3 Select Integration Solvers: ANSYS integration example: /ansys_inc/v172/ansys/bin/ansys172 - for ANSYS 17.2 with license "prf" (without quotes) FE-SAFE integration example: /opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/fe-safe/2017/exe/fe-safe_cl ECS FEMFAT integration example: /opt/ECS/FEMFAT5.2a/bin/femfat - for ECS FEMFAT 5.2a 5.4 Select ANSA installation directory, if ANSA is installed ANSA integration example: /usr/BETA_CAE_Systems/ANSA_v16.1.0 - for ANSA 16.1.0 5.5 Select Star-CCM+ installation directory, if STAR-CCM is installed CD-ADAPCO integration example: /opt/CD-ADAPCO/STAR-CCM+11.02.010 - for (SIEMENS) CD-ADAPCO STAR-CCM+ 11.02.010 5.6 Select ANSYS FLUENT installation directory, if ANSYS FLUENT is installed ANSYS FLUENT integration example: /ansys_inc/v172/fluent - for ANSYS Fluent 17.2 5.7 Select temporary directory "/tmp" 5.8 Continue Next until step is complete 6. Install Isight 6.1 Select installation directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Isight/2017" 6.2 Select components (by default, all components are selected) 6.3 Select Next and select "Skip this step now" on TomEE configuration 6.4 Continue Next until step is complete 6.5 Close Simplified Installer 7. Install FE-SAFE 7.1 Start Installer: cd /3/SIMULIA_fe-safe/1/linux/ ./install.sh 7.2 On temporary dir question in console, type "/tmp" without quotes and press Enter 7.3 Select installation directory "/opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/fe-safe/2017" 7.4 Select Components and Project directory in user profile 7.5 Continue Next until step is complete C. To run the software, do: ABAQUS/CAE: /opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Commands/abq2017 cae NOTE: If "IOError: abaqus.rpy: Permission denied is occurred", start ABAQUS/CAE from home directory or any other writable directory Tosca Structure: /opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Tosca/2017/linux_a64/code/command/ToscaStructureGui.sh Tosca Fluid: /opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Tosca/2017/linux_a64/code/command/ToscaFluidGui.sh Isight: /opt/DassaultSystemes/SIMULIA/Isight/2017/command/gateway fe-safe: /opt/Dassaultsystemes/SIMULIA/fe-safe/2017/fe-safe NOTE: On first run, on the "Licence options" tab, select "Network" licence and type "localhost" (without quotes) and 27011 as Port Enjoy!   軟體簡介:   DS Simulia是達索公示定位與真實仿真,目標是通過CAE技術協助企業加快資訊化 進程,評估設計方案,優化設計流程,提高生產效率,減少企業成本,讓CAE工程 師更好的融入到產品設計流程中,讓仿真成為產品設計不可分割的一部分。 DS SIMULIA Suite主要由4個產品組成: CATIA Analysis CATIA軟體的一部分功能,是CAD的自然延伸。在CATIA環境中設計完產品後,可以 從CAD介面直接進入到CATIA的CAE介面,不存在資料的轉換等,做到了真正的CAD/ CAE的一體化。可實現對零部件和裝配體進行強度、剛度、模態、屈曲、頻響、傳 熱等分析。 Abaqus Unfied FEA 專業的高級有限元分析軟體。有限元分析行業的領軍者,軟體不僅具有一般的靜 動強度分析功能和結構動力學分析功能,還具有疲勞分析和優化設計和CFD分析功 能。在非線性靜力/動力、接觸、斷裂破壞、各種非線性材料包括符合材料、以及 各種複雜的組合高度非線性問題得求解方面都具有良好的解決方案。軟體可以和主 流CAD軟體進行集成,確保CAD資訊能夠準確導入。所有分析都是在同一個介面下 完成,減少模型修改次數,提高工作效率。 Isight & Fiper Isight提供了一個視覺化的靈活的仿真流程搭建平臺,與多種主流CAE分析工具有 專用介面。用戶可以方便的以拖拽的方式視覺化的快速建立仿真分析流程,設定和 修改設計變數以及設計約束與目標,自動進行多次分析迴圈。同時提供了試驗設計 、優化方法、近似模型和六西格瑪設計等一套完整的優化套裝軟體,來幫助用戶深 入全面的瞭解產品的設計空間,明晰設計變數與設計目標之間的關係,實現多學科 多目標優化設計。 SLM(Simulation Lifecycle Managemant) SLM資料管理系統結構的理念就是為企業提供專業穩定高效的仿真資料管理解決方案 ,同時系統也要滿足企業級系統平臺的靈活需求,可以方便和企業平臺上的系統協 同工作。將仿真更好地整合到產品開發過程中,從浩瀚的資料海洋中快速、精准地 評估涉及方案的性能,將仿真專家的個人知識轉變為企業內部共用的知識,使跟蹤 仿真過程成為可能,進而實現跨領域的合作,以服務於產品設計決策。   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
