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Solidcam 2023 SP3 for SolidWorks Win64 (CAD/CAM軟體) 多國語言含繁體中文版(DVD一片裝)





Solidcam 2023 SP3 for SolidWorks Win64 (CAD/CAM軟體) 多國語言含繁體中文版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Solidcam 2023 SP3 for SolidWorks Win64 (CAD/CAM軟體) 多國語言含繁體中文版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:多國語言含繁體中文版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7/8/10 軟體類型:CAD/CAM軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2024-06-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. SolidCAM 2023 SP3 64bit Setup 1.1. Download "SolidCAM_2023_SP3_English_x64.exe" and one or more archives with language localization needed from folder "Localizations" 1.2. Install SolidCAM 2023 SP3 English 64bit. When asked for license type select "USB Hardware key (sent to you at purchase)" 1.3. Unpack all folder from your localization archive to (by default C:\Program Files\SolidCAM2023\) and overwrite original ones 1.4. To unlock menu SolidCAM > New > Wire EDM in SolidCAM 2023 close SolidWorks, run "SC2023_Wire_EDM.reg" and confirm to add info into Window Registry 1.5. To change language of SolidCAM interface run All Programs > Solidcam2023 > Choose Language 2. MultiKey 18.1.1 x64 (repack) Setup 0. Uninstall previous version of Multikey 18.1.1 (if exist) 1. Install SolidCAM. Do not run it! 2. Copy folder "MultiKey_18.1.1_x64_repack" to computer 3. Run as Administrator "remove.cmd" 4. Run as Administrator "TEST Mode.bat" (computer will automatically reboot into Test Mode ) 5. Run as Administrator "install.cmd" 6. Run as Administrator "dseo13b.exe" 7. Select "Sign a System File" --> Next --> input C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MulttKey.sys --> Ok. 8. Reboot computer. 9. If you want to remove watermark "Testing mode" run as Administrator "UWD.exe" 10. Enjoy Note: If setup is succesfull you have to see new devices: Device Manager -> Universal Serial Bus controllers -> Sentinel HASP key Device Manager -> Universal Serial Bus controllers -> Sentinel USB key or Device Manager -> USB controllers -> Sentinel HASP key Device Manager -> USB controllers -> Sentinel USB key Note: 1. On certain laptops you have to disable Boot Security in Bios, otherwise it won't work. 2. This has worked on Win 10 and Win 11 with windows updates enabled. Enjoy 軟體簡介:   SolidCAM 2023是一款SolidWorks黃金認證的新一代 CAD/CAM 系統,這個主要版 本展示了即將推出的令人興奮的新功能,包括異型孔嚮導增強、關聯坐標系、CAM 零件配置、U 軸和共線軸支援、iTurning、自動範本和 SolidCloud。該系統是金 屬加工生產自動化的綜合解決方案。使用 SolidCAM 提供的用於車削、銑削、車銑 和電火花加工的各種策略,技術人員可以快速準備用於加工產品的必要控制程式集。 SolidCAM 被公認為在領先的 CAD 產品、SolidWorks 和 Inventor 中無縫集成 CAM 的世界領導者,支援完整的 CNC 製造應用範圍,包括 iMachining 2D/3D、2.5D 銑削、高速曲面銑削、3D 高速加工、多面索引 4/5 軸銑削、5 軸聯動銑削、多通 道車銑複合、瑞士式加工和探測。 SolidCAM 一直是 CAM 領域持續增長的領導者 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
