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Solidcam 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks Win64 集成的CAM軟體 多國語言破解版(DVD一片裝)





Solidcam 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks Win64 集成的CAM軟體 多國語言破解版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:Solidcam 2023 SP2 for SolidWorks Win64 集成的CAM軟體 多國語言破解版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:多國語言破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7/8/10 軟體類型:集成的CAM軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2023-12-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. SolidCAM 2023 SP2 64bit Setup 1.1. Download "SolidCAM_2023_SP2_English_x64.exe" and one or more archives with language localization needed from folder "Localizations" 1.2. Install SolidCAM 2023 SP2 English 64bit. When asked for license type select "USB Hardware key (sent to you at purchase)" 1.3. Unpack all folder from your localization archive to (by default C:\Program Files\SolidCAM2023\) and overwrite original ones 1.4. To unlock menu SolidCAM > New > Wire EDM in SolidCAM 2023 close SolidWorks, run "SC2023_Wire_EDM.reg" and confirm to add info into Window Registry 1.5. To change language of SolidCAM interface run All Programs > Solidcam2023 > Choose Language 2. MultiKey 18.1.1 x64 Fixed Setup Attention! Some Windows 10/11 security updates (21H2 and above) cancel the "multikey" emulator driver security certificate and it stops working To fix this you need to boot your Windows 10/11 into test mode with permission to use devices with unsigned drivers Search Google for how to do this! 2.1. If you already had MultiKey_18.1_x64_31052017 Emulator installed uninstall it with running as Administratot MultiKey_18.1_x64_31052017\remove.cmd 2.2. Copy folder "MultiKey_18.1.1_x64" to your computer 2.3. Run MultiKey_18.1.1_x64\SolidCAM.reg and confirm to add info into Windows Registry 2.4. Run as Administrator MultiKey_18.1.1_x64\install.cmd and wait until new devices and drives for them will be found and installed 2.5. Reboot computer Note: If setup is succesfull you have to see new devices: Device Manager -> Universal Serial Bus controllers -> Sentinel HASP key Device Manager -> Universal Serial Bus controllers -> Sentinel USB key or Device Manager -> USB controllers -> Sentinel HASP key Device Manager -> USB controllers -> Sentinel USB key Enjoy 軟體簡介:   SolidCAM破解版是領先的集成CAM軟體,是唯一擁有無與倫比的專利iMachining解 決方案的CAM,使用可直接在SolidWorks2018-2023版本軟體上運行,因為它是無縫 集成於SolidWorks,所以所有的內容都是直接在軟體內部運行,意味著你無需再適 應一個軟體,擁有高級的刀具路徑生成,支援從2軸車床和3軸銑床到極其複雜的多 軸MillTurn機床和Wire Edm,模型和刀具路徑是完美關聯的,可自動適應更改並驗 證所有加工操作而無需進行多餘的設置和調整。並啟在銑削零件時與其他CAM軟體 相比,SolidCAM iMachining在試切時易學易用和節約編程時間、極大的延長刀具 使用壽命方面贏得優勢,這將大大的提高效率,並節省成本 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
