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CAMWorks 2020 SP2 for Solidworks 2019-2020 基於直觀的實體模型CAM軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝)





CAMWorks 2020 SP2 for Solidworks 2019-2020 基於直觀的實體模型CAM軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱:CAMWorks 2020 SP2 for Solidworks 2019-2020 基於直觀的實體模型CAM軟體 英文破解版(DVD一片裝) 語系版本:英文破解版 光碟片數:單片裝 破解說明: 系統支援:Windows 7/8/10 軟體類型:基於直觀的實體模型CAM軟體 硬體需求:PC 更新日期:2020-05-28 官方網站: 中文網站: 軟體簡介: 銷售價格:$180元 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=   破解說明: 1. Run "CAMWorks2020x64_Setup-SP2.exe" and install main program and additional modules (optional). Do not start License Manager at end of setup! NOTE: if CWLicenseManager will not be installed automatically install it manually with ..\LicenseManager\CWLicenseManagerSetup_20200502.exe 2. To install Universal Post Generator run "..\UniversalPostGenerator\UPG_2.exe" 3. Overwrite original (by default C:\CWLicenseManager\) with cracked one 4. Run CAMWorks License Manager On tab License Setup select License Method > FlexLM Software select node locked (Standalone) license file > Browse.. (browse to "teksoft_SSQ.lic" by default C:\CWLicenseManager\teksoft_SSQ.lic ) Click OK Do not configure and start CAMWorks License Server!!! 5. Overwrite original (by default C:\Program Files\CAMWorks2020x64) with cracked one 6. For CAMWorks Feed & Speed Library overwrite original (by default C:\CAMWorksData\MATLIB) with cracked one 7. Enjoy :) 軟體簡介:   CAMWorks是一款基於直觀的實體模型的CAM軟體,CAMWorks是SolidWorks 認定的加 工/CAM軟體黃金產品,為公眾認可的SolidWorks設計軟體提供了先進的加工功能。 作為SolidWorks第一款CAM軟體,提供了真正的基於知識的加工能力。CAMWorks在自 動可加工特徵識別 (AFR) 以及交互特徵識別 (IFR)方面處於國際領先地位。CAMWorks 提供了真正跟隨設計模型變化的加工自動關聯,消除了設計更新後重新進行編程上 的時間浪費。 Processing is carried out directly in the SolidWorks environment and directly on the SolidWorks model. The results of the programmer are stored in the same model part or assembly SolidWorks. This ensures complete associativity of the model and tool paths, which leads to automatic updating of all tool paths when making changes to the model. When adding any technological data to the SolidWorks model, such as roughness designations, bases, shape tolerances and surface locations, dimensional tolerances, the programmer always has direct access to them, which makes it easy to select the part based on the machine and select ensuring the specified quality of the tool part and cutting conditions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
