Fundamental 2 continues our series of tutorials dedicated to the
fundamental production techniques that all producers should be fully
versed in.
Hot on the heels of the best selling Fundamental, Fundamental 2
continues to discuss groove - this time concentrating on bass. Over
3 hours of video tutorials focus on the theory and practice behind
the programming, production and engineering of professional bass
lines and rhythms for dance records.
The DVD begins with an introductory course on some music theory,
introducing the viewer to the theory behind scales and modes - a
requirement for producing bass lines that work. The sessions then
move on to cover the principles behind composition, programming,
editing, tuning and processing of bass in order to add the all
important groove to dance records. This includes techniques used
such as compression, trip sampling, frequency splitting, side-chaining,
modulation, tuning, keying and synthesizing techniques for different
bass timbres.