WhatSize v4.9.9 MacOSX 蘋果電腦檔減肥軟體 英文破解版
WhatSize以位元組為單位對檔進行快速測量,能 細分到檔夾內的各個檔,甚至是Mac
OS X中的角角落落,包括被隱藏的檔,緩存檔等.WhatSize將它們按大到小的順序進
行排列,用戶檢索時一目了然.當然,這前提是你必須認識這些檔 並且確定它們被刪
除 後不會影響OS X的正常運行.
WhatSize allows you to quickly measure the size in bytes of a given
folder and all subfolders and files within it. You would be surprised
at how many useless files might be laying around on your hard disks.
The files and folders are automatically sorted by size, with the biggest
sizes first. WhatSize helps find out what files are taking up all of
that space. Then it makes it really easy to remove or move those files.
You'd be surprised how many useless files are lying around on your
Mac's hard disk.
While the app is measuring a folder the user can browse the files
within that folder and immediately see the size in bytes. Hidden files,
cache files, directories will all show up with their corresponding size.
This application is similar to the ancient NeXTSTEP, DarkForest.
Once the measuring of a folder has ended the user can also view the
information by filtering for particular file sizes or types. The user
can also move unwanted files and folder in the corresponding Trash bin
similar to the Finder's Delete button.