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Wing FTP Server v3.7.2 Corporate Edition x64 Linux 跨平臺FTP伺服器軟體 多國語言破解版






破解說明:安裝完成後,請將光碟 \Crack 目錄下的檔案,複製到主程式的
安裝目錄內中,並覆蓋, 即可破解!


Wing FTP Server可能大家都不知道,但是提到FTPRus 這款FTP用戶端軟體大家
一定都認的,Wing FTP Server即是其最新出品的FTP伺服器端軟體。

Wing FTP Server 是一個專業的跨平臺FTP伺服器端,它擁有不錯的速度、可靠性
支援 Windows, Linux, Mac OS和Solaris。

Wing FTP Server is more than a FTP server. It is a secure multi-protocol
file server(FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP) for Windows, Linux, Mac, freeBSD
and Solaris. It has Real-Time information function, which enables you to
monitor the file server in real time, you can keep an eye on each user
connected to the server and collect detailed user information. It also
offers email notification and event manager,allowing the program to respond
to different events, such as file upload or download by sending a default
notification email to the administrator automatically. It includes a new set
of advanced tools (web based remote control, web based client, administrator
console, task scheduler). It provides scripts support let users extend the
server by Lua language, virtual directories for easily sharing files and
directories, and ratio, disk quota system for controlling how much an user
or a group uploads and downloads. The server supports the following protocols:

# FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
# HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
# FTPS (FTP over SSL)
# SFTP using SSH2 (File Transfer over Secure Shell)


* Cross Platform
You can run the server on Windows,Linux,Mac,freeBSD and Solaris.
* Multiple Protocols
Support FTP, FTPS(FTP over SSL), HTTP, HTTPS, and SFTP(FTP over SSH).
* Web based Administration
Administrate your server from anytime, anywhere.
* Web based Client
Access your files from anytime, anywhere.
* Multiple Domains
You can run multiple virtual servers on the same IP address.
* Administrator Console
A powerful console tool for administrator(unix shell alike).
* Task Scheduler
Use your Lua Scripts tasks to appoint an action at a specified time.
* Programmable Event Manager
Execute Lua Scripts, send out emails and implement third-party software.
* Multiple Authentication Types
XML files, ODBC database, Mysql database and Windows Authentication
(NTLM or Active Directory).
* Application Programming Interface
Provide a set of APIs that can be called in Lua Script.
* Virtual Directories
Allows you to map virtual directories to physical directories, and you can
also use UNC path or mapped drives for virtual directories.
* Real-Time Information
Give you the ability to monitor your FTP server in real-time. You can monitor
each user connected to the server and gather detailed information about them
(e.g. download speed, last command, online sessions).
* Ratio, disk quota system
Every user can be assigned individual disk quota, ratio and bandwidth.
* Customizable Logo
You can define a customizable logo for every domain.
* Multiple Languages
Now support 12 languages - English, Francais, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands,
Portugues, Espanol, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 日本語, ?esky, Roman?.
* Graphs Chart
The graphs chart can reports last 5 minutes, 5 hours or 10 days traffics for your domain.
Faster data transfers through data compression.
* Advanced Security
Multiple mechanisms are implemented to tighten accounts security.
* IP based access
Choose who can and who can not connect to your server (user account or server level).
* Anti-Hammering
Automatically detect and block multiple connection attempts to for instance avoid brute force attacks.
* Maximum connections limitation (IP, domain, user)
Manage your network and system resources efficiently.
* Custom commands and messages definition
Expand available commands and messages in your FTP Server and customize it to your needs.
* Time of day access
Schedule your bandwidth usage per day, per week, or per month.
* Accounts expiration
Do not let old accounts be available forever, just set them an expiration date.
* Group accounts
Users can inherit their settings through group for quick configuration and easy maintenance.
Fast SFV checking on server side.
